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Projects May 23, 2024

Showcasing Our Heroes on the Ground!

Cassie Daley
Projects May 23, 2024

At Treeapp, our mission extends far beyond planting trees. We are dedicated to fostering a sustainable future and uplifting communities through our reforestation efforts.

Operating in 17 countries across 5 continents, we’re delighted to see our planting activities generated over 40,000 workdays for local communities. These workdays range from preparing young trees in nurseries to planting the trees and monitoring the areas where the trees are planted.

Today, we are honoured to showcase three of the heroes on the ground who work tirelessly to ensure the success of the projects and the betterment of their communities.

Ruhama Getachun, Ethiopia

General Manager, Integrated Women Development Association


In collaboration with Green Ethiopia and local community groups and leaders, we embark on afforestation endeavours with a special focus on women’s empowerment. With input from Ruhama Getachun and other female leaders in the community who have a deep understanding of the unique obstacles women face in Ethiopia, the projects are intentionally crafted to empower women in a multitude of impactful ways.

In Shebedino, Ethiopia, we work with the indigenous Sidama people to uplift a community marginalised since the 19th century, particularly its women, who often lack opportunities for self-sufficiency. The initiatives are specifically designed to open up avenues for women to generate income through engagements in nursery management, tree planting, and the essential aftercare of these green spaces. Achieving financial autonomy is a key step in elevating the status of women within their families and the wider community.

The commitment extends to fostering women’s participation in leadership roles within these projects. This initiative is designed to empower women to assume positions of influence, where they can make pivotal decisions, spearhead initiatives, and serve as inspirational figures for the younger generation of girls.

Raja Aditya, Indonesia

Senior Scientist, SORCE


Raja Aditya, originally from Bengkulu, Sumatra, brings extensive experience and a profound connection to the mangrove projects of our amazing local partners SORCE , in Lombok, Indonesia. Since completing his master’s degree in marine science in 2016, Raja has dedicated himself to conservation, witnessing firsthand the immense impact mangrove projects have on wildlife and local communities.

“Mangroves serve as vital habitats and provide essential functions such as food and nursery grounds for marine organisms. They also act as natural barriers, protecting coastal communities from tsunamis, storms, and erosion while supporting local livelihoods through activities like food supply and ecotourism,” Raja explains.

Since the project’s inception, Raja and the SORCE team have observed numerous positive community impacts, including increased engagement from school children and university students. By integrating the project into their curriculum, SORCE has inspired heightened enthusiasm among students, demonstrating the project’s role in educating future generations about the importance of mangroves.

Daniel Fishburn, United Kingdom

Lead Forestry Expert at Treeapp and PhD Candidate in Ecology, Bangor University


Treeapp benefits significantly from the forestry expertise of Daniel Fishburn, a PhD candidate in ecology with a background in tropical forestry. Daniel’s research focuses on soil carbon and nutrient cycling in response to climate change which provides valuable insights for our tree planting initiatives. He plays a key role in selecting the appropriate methodologies, species, and refining monitoring processes across our diverse sites.

His understanding of how global soils respond to climate change is essential for predicting changes in carbon stocks and informing management practices to enhance soil health and carbon sequestration rates. When assessing the viability of a new planting site, Daniel examines various factors including soil type, drainage, nutrient status, pollution levels, local plant community composition, and anthropogenic features such as historical and archaeological aspects.

Daniel’s expertise is indispensable in ensuring that our planting efforts are conducted in suitable locations. Healthy soil is fundamental for the success of forests, and Daniel’s blend of scientific knowledge and practical experience contributes significantly to our mission of combating climate change through tree planting.

Shout out to our heroes!

At Treeapp, we are deeply inspired by the dedication and expertise of all of the heroes on the ground. Their tireless work and unwavering commitment play a crucial role in our mission to create a greener, more sustainable world. As we continue to expand our efforts across more planting areas around the globe, our focus remains on supporting local communities. Together we can keep making a difference.

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