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Our News February 27, 2023

How to plant trees for your business

Sophie Badoche
Our News February 27, 2023

As governments are setting new policies and regulations towards positive climate action, now more than ever is the time for all businesses to contribute towards key environmental goals. However, research shows that only a third of businesses in the UK have an environmental sustainability policy in place. 

We made it easy for businesses to have a tangible impact and take action by planting trees.

Why plant trees for your business?

Aside from the environmental impact tree planting has on our planet, planting trees can also help you grow customer /employee loyalty. 

Increasingly, consumers are now considering seeing sustainability as an imperative factor behind buying. Brands have a key role to play in helping them lead a sustainable lifestyle, with 88% of consumers claiming they want brands to help them make a difference.  

By partnering with Treeapp, Codecheck saw a 26% increase in subscriptions, demonstrating how effective planting a tree can be at increasing conversions. 

Research from Deloitte found that purpose-oriented companies have 40% higher levels of workforce retention than their competitors. Engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities also helps gain a competitive advantage as more than 70% of employees at large U.S companies said that they were more likely to choose to work at a company with a strong environmental agenda. 

New research released by KPMG has found that 20% of UK office workers would turn down a job if environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors were not in line with their values. Moreover, almost half of workers want their employers to demonstrate climate and social commitments.

In 2022, Treeapp set up a private forest for Credit Suisse to plant trees for all their employees worldwide, this enabled Credit Suisse to increase employee satisfaction and show their commitment to the environment.

Work colleagues at desk

Photo: Work colleagues at desk (Source: Unsplash)

How to integrate tree planting to your business:

Treeapp specialises in working with businesses to integrate tree planting directly into their offering.

For example, we planted trees with DPD for every delivery, with L’Occitane for every purchase and with Hello Fresh for every new subscription. 

Planting trees can be fully tailored to and aligned with the values of each company; it can be an ongoing project or a long term strategy to grow the organisation’s impact.

Many of our partners also plant trees on behalf of their clients and employees as an alternative to traditional corporate gifting!

Tree planter in Tanzania

Photo: Tree planter in Tanzania (Source: Treeapp) 

Here are just some other ways you can plant trees: Plant trees for every product sold, every new subscription to service, app download, newsletter registration, every employee, attendee, speaker, sponsor, green communication projects on social media… 

We’ll work with you to find the perfect solution for your company and determine how you’d like to engage with your different stakeholders via tree planting.   

Start your sustainable journey today by signing up to our platform or contact us here to speak with someone from the Treeapp team!

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