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Climate October 22, 2021

How to Offset Your Company's Carbon Footprint

Sophie Badoche
Climate October 22, 2021

Drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions and shifting to a low-carbon economy is crucial to fight climate change, as time is running out to reach the ambition of a carbon neutral world by 2050. The IPCC report released this summer was a stark reminder of the devastating impacts of global warming. We are now at a point where temperatures will rise above the 1.5C set by the 2015 Paris Agreement unless immediate action is taken.

“Drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions and shifting to a low-carbon economy is crucial to fight climate change”

Photo: Greenland Ocean Sunset (Source: Unsplash)

Photo: Greenland Ocean Sunset (Source: Unsplash)

It is now more than ever important for companies to challenge business as usual and account for their emissions through the means of reducing and offsetting. We’d like to explore what this means, how it works and how Treeapp can help brands become climate positive  by funding climate projects and planting trees where they’re most needed.

“It is now more than ever important for companies to challenge business as usual and account for their emissions through the means of reducing and offsetting."

What is carbon offsetting?

Carbon offsetting allows businesses to counteract their carbon footprint and the unavoidable emissions they emit by investing in environmental and climate projects in the form of carbon credits. Put simply, one tonne of carbon credit represents the reduction of one tonne of carbon dioxide. This usually involves sequestering carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere through reforestation and agroforestry or rolling out clean energy technologies.

“Put simply, one tonne of carbon credit represents the reduction of one tonne of carbon dioxide."

A good place to start, is looking at the footprint of your workforce. Treeapp provides accurate estimates of the amount of carbon credits & trees needed to offset each of your employee’s carbon footprint. You can set up your climate positive scheme in minutes with our new B2B platform !

Our experts use data from the European Union  and the World Bank  to calculate the average carbon footprint per capita per country.

Treeapp: field of windmills

Photo: Field of windmills (Source: Unsplash)

By planting trees & purchasing carbon credits with Treeapp, businesses have a direct impact on the environment: our tree planting activities contribute to rehabilitating ecosystems in countries where deforestation has been the strongest. Not only do these projects reduce global emissions, supporting these projects also provides sustainable solutions for local communities, by creating jobs and improving livelihoods.

What climate projects does Treeapp offer?

We contribute to environmental projects across the globe, with a specific focus on developing countries to better support rural communities. Our climate projects adhere to a strict set of standards and are verified by internationally recognised third-party organisations Gold Standard, Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).

Treeapp’s sustainable development goals

This enables companies to support various UN Sustainable Development Goals, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change, provide sustainable economic opportunities and restore habitat. Our carbon credits projects include:

Forestry & conservation projects: This nature-based solution allows businesses to invest in reforestation and forest protection certified climate projects.

Renewable energy projects: Renewable energy sources range from solar energy, wind energy, hydro power, geothermal, biomass.

Community projects: These projects support local communities by providing safe drinking water, protecting forests, improving health or creating local jobs.

Treeapp tree planters in Tanzania

Photo: Tree planters in Tanzania (Source: Friends of Usambara)

How to become climate positive with Treeapp?

Everyone has a role to play in the fight against climate change. By measuring, reducing and offsetting, businesses are able to make a long-lasting impact on our planet.

For what currently can’t be reduced, investing in carbon credits is often necessary to achieve carbon neutrality or net zero emissions, supporting the transition to a low-carbon future. Our B2B platform  enables, via carbon credits, the offsetting of thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions as well as improving livelihoods and protecting our planet.

Start calculating your workforce’s carbon footprint today and make your team climate positive with our unique solution !

If you’d like to offset the full footprint of your business, get in touch with our team !

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